This equipment was used in the medical laboratory for various kinds of testing.
blood cups cell tabulator
Coleman Chemputer Folin Wu tube
Hematology Outfit (hemocytometer & hemoglobinometer) hemocytometer kit
White blood cell diluting pipet Red blood cell diluting pipet
aspiration tubing with mouth piece aspiration tubing with mouth piece and filter, and pipet holder
Klett Colorimeter hydrometers

McFarland Standards microscope bulb changer
monocular microscope graduates
serologic & volumetric pipets test tubes in rack
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) tubes and stand Glass Syringes (used for blood collection and filling ESR tubes)

morters and pestles

immersion oil bottle (large and small droppers) pH papers
RBC indicie and anemia calculator slide staining jars (Coplin)
test and pH papers test papers
electrical stimulus Vintage Electreat "zapper" used for muscle treatments
stopper sizer laboratory supply catalog
VapoCreso Lamp Wise Advice