
Vintage or just plain cool automobiles and motorbikes.


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Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum (IN)

Museum of American Speed (NE)

World Largest Truck Stop

Ford started it all.

Newly weds ride in the rumble seat and 50 years later.


Touring cars in Prauge, Czech Republic


This magnificant vehicle was found in Rudesheim, Germany


Rothenburg, Germany

The Trabant was produced after WWII. This small vehicle was used in many East Berlin escapes into West Berlin. They have been refurbished and repurposed for modern use in the "Trabi Safari Tour" and have a museum in Berlin dedicated to them.


Motor bike in Dresden, Germany outside a porcelain shoppe.


Lindau, Germany hosts the Ferrari Club of Germany.


The Ferarri Challenge is to jump out of a blimp and land in a Ferarri at the harbor in Lindau.

If you can do it, you get the Ferarri.


London, England


These Ferrari images are coutesy of Pete Kramer

This car won the 24Hours of LeMans in 1965. It is in original unrestored condition!


These Mc Laren images are coutesy of Pete Kramer

This is the Mclaren M1. It is the first race car designed and built by Bruce Mclaren in 1963 and raced in 1964 for the United States Road Racing Championship which evolved into the Can Am, the Canadian American Racing Series. For almost a decade these cars were the fastest in the world with the richest winning prize money.